Planning your retirement: Bradford Diocese
Retirement is one of life’s major changes, and while some take it in their stride, others can find it difficult.
The Diocese of Bradford has developed a pre-retirement course to help people (whatever their background or beliefs) to prepare for this important transition. The course will cover questions of identity, financial concerns, maintaining good health, relationships, using our time well, and looking ahead to when life may not be so easy. And there will be plenty of opportunity to discuss issues with others.
Taking place each Wednesday evening over six weeks, the first course begins on Wednesday 9 February in the meeting room of St Andrew's Church in Oakenshaw.
Stan Jenkins, one of the course leaders, says, “Retirement is a point in our lives when we experience major changes, and both our mental and physical health can suffer if we're not prepared. Some will cope well, but for others there may be a range of fears and a sense of loss. This can be worse if job loss or ill health early suddenly forces retirement upon us. Financial worries, relationship issues and health concerns can lead to unease and even crisis for individuals and family members. So we've created a diverse course which will enable all participants to discuss their needs, fears and dreams, and to learn from each other and from the leaders who offer a range of skills."
The Revd Chris Shedd, Team Vicar of the parish of South Bradford, says, "This course is very timely. Cuts are starting to bite locally and we're hearing of people losing their jobs and being forced into an unplanned early retirement. Normally a course such as this can cost hundreds of pounds, which is out of the reach of many people. So we're charging just £20 for the whole course – including meals, refreshments and handouts.”
Each session will start with a home-cooked meal, followed by a two hour session, involving presentations, videos and lots of discussion.
For more information on this course, and to book places, please contact Chris Shedd on 01274 678859 or Stan Jenkins 01756 720331