Practical Impact: CUF Annual Conference

Practical Impact is Church Urban Fund's annual national conference for churches and activists tackling poverty in their communities.
Join other community activists, youth workers, clergy and volunteers in exploring issues that affect social action, from finding funds to working with vulnerable people.
Book online now with a credit or debit card, or call Daniel Chapman on 020 7898 1652 to reserve a place.
Where: Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
Keynote speakers:
•Lord Nat Wei - Church, Government and the Big Society
•David Robinson OBE - Life beyond the cuts
•Elizabeth Bayliss - Flourishing projects in tough times
Workshops on:
•Effective fundraising
•Church buildings as a social enterprise
•Growing church in deprived areas
•Youth outreach in tough areas
•Working with other faiths
•Befriending asylum seekers
•Supporting ex-offenders
•Partnership and collaboration
•Welcoming the homeless
Cost: £25 per person - book online now.
The conference is supported by Anthony Collins Solicitors and Mazars. Travel bursaries are available.