Black Boys Can

The National Black Boys Can Association is the flagship project of Excell3, a registered charity set up in 1999 with the aim of raising the aspirations and attainment of pupils from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds in the UK.
It aims to address the specific needs of Black boys and seeks to break the vicious cycle of underachievement, unemployment, crime and imprisonment. It is the leading national organisation in the country working in this area and empowers local communities to set up 'Black Boys Can' projects to address the needs of the boys in their area.
Under the 'Community Franchise' scheme, groups receive support in setting up their own local Black Boys Can Projects which are tailored specifically to the needs of their own communities. This support includes training and materials, manuals, policies and procedures which have been developed specifically for these projects and which may be used to deliver empowerment programmes to Black boys.
Once established, the projects continue to receive support and training on an annual basis to refresh their knowledge and skills, share best practice with other projects and learn about new developments and training initiatives. All 'Black Boys Can' projects use the same operational four pronged model, i.e. Empowering the boys, Empowering their parents, Engaging local communities, and linking in with mainstream education.
In 2007 the National Black Boys Can Youth Council was established comprising boys from all across the UK, who attend Black Boys Can Projects. The Council has two main objectives:
To consult with Black boys nationally to gain consensus on issues that affect them, and how they should be resolved.
To lobby and campaign to bring about positive change for Black boys, via policy makers, politicians and other key influential bodies and individuals on issues such as
- Education and Culture
- Social and racial inequality
- Facilities for Black boys generally
- Environmental & Health issues
- Crime and Disorder and Community Safety
- Public service
There are now 25 Black Boys Can projects nationwide.

National Black Boys Can Association
6 Beacon Court
Birmingham Road
Great Barr