Catering and Faith Based Dietary Practice

Interfaith Network

Useful guide to help cater for more inclusive events.

Catering and Faith Based Dietary Practice


Following discussion at the Faith Communities Forum and at the Executive Committee about halal and non-halal provision in catering contexts, a multi faith Working Group was tasked with developing guidance on faith and dietary practice.  

The guidance note has four sections: 

a)           ‘Some key principles’ concerning faith based dietary practice – which  explains both the importance and provenance of the document.

b)           Part 1 ‘Some general points on catering for a religiously diverse clientele’ – which offers points for those catering for or managing the catering of people of different faiths and sets out good practice points on provision and procurement.

c)           Part 2 ‘Some more detailed points about particular issues’ – which goes into more depth about some of the more complex aspects of the dietary practices of different religions including the separate storage and preparation of different types of food and the changes that can occur in faith based diet during religious festivals.

d)           A chart which contains information on faith based dietary practices – which is intended to give caterers a reasonably comprehensive idea of what certain groups are, or are not, likely to consume but is not intended to be an exhaustive list of the dietary requirements of different faiths.


For further information, contact Augustine Booth-Clibborn at '+'' + ''; // -->