
One World Week (OWW) Handbook "Piecing Together One World" What is One World Week? How does it work? What can I do? This handbook will answer... further reading
Grant Support for you (GS4U) Grantsupport4U was set up in 2010 to support frontline voluntary and community... link
Poverty Truth Commission The Poverty Truth Commission is supported by the Church of Scotland and Faith in... link
Charity Commission The Charity Commission is the independent regulator for charitable activity link
Faiths in Higher Education Chaplaincy A major report commissioned by the Church of England and supported by many of the... further reading
Directory of Social Change (DSC) for training courses etc. Since starting in 1974, DSC has been running courses and publishing charity and... link
St Philip's Centre Leicester ST PHILIP’S CENTRE is based in Britain’s most multi faith city outside London. It... link
Muslim College, London The Muslim College is a post-graduate Islamic seminary based in West London that is... link
Faiths & Civil Society Unit, Goldsmiths, University of London The Faiths & Civil Society Unit is a centre of excellence linking research,... link
Stepping Forward Together: a Quick Resource Guide Green spaces for faith; discovering the social, health and economic benefits. ... further reading
Cathedral Camps Cathedral Camps welcomes all young people between the ages of 16-25 to volunteer at... link
Christian Nightlife Initiative - CNI faith based initiatives working within the night-time economy (between 5pm and 6am)... link
Kirklees Faiths Forum Supporting and encouraging faith and inter faith groups ... link
MTh in Chaplaincy Studies Chaplains on the MTh come from different world faith backgrounds and the programme... link
Managing charity assets and resources: an overview for trustees (CC25) The majority of charitable trustees will have a responsibility for managing assets... further reading
Rank Foundation The Rank Foundation is a grant giving charitable trust, restricted to causes within... link
Ethical Weddings an online ethical and green wedding magazine and planning resource link
Equality and Human Rights Commission EHRC has a statutory remit to promote and monitor human rights; and to protect,... link
Religion or Belief Briefing Paper This Equality and Human Rights Commission (the Commission) briefing paper seeks to... further reading
Big Society update from CLG This edition is about Community Organisers, Community Rights and Community Power further reading
From here to there: Managing change in third sector organisations Whether they want to or not, all third sector organisations have to deal with change... further reading
Measuring success: a self assessment workbook {for voluntary organisations} A self-assessment tool to help voluntary organisations to recognise what they have... further reading
Risk Toolkit: How to take care of risk in volunteering A guide for organisations further reading
SMWA: Southwark Muslim Women's Association The initials SMWA stand for Southwark Muslim Women's Association but don't let that... link
‘Big Society – what does it mean for the church?’ This report produced for the Big Society conference held at Trinity House on 19th... further reading
A Reflection on Community Work at St Peter's Church, Braunstone, Leicester Community Development necessarily focuses on communities experiencing deprivation.... further reading
Government business pages Links to various useful business pages on link
Your chance to change the world: the No-fibbing Guide to Social Entrepreneurship Founder of the multi-award winning Speaking Up, Craig Dearden-Phillips offers... further reading
Valuing Volunteer Management Skills: Research Summary This report explores the skills gaps and development needs of people who manage... further reading
The English Defence League: Challenging Our Country and Our Values of Social Inclusion, Fairness and Equality. This report focuses on the EDL and asks whether the organisation poses a threat to... further reading