
Faith as Social Capital: Connecting or Dividing? How far can faith organisations and their members contribute to social capital that... further reading
Believing in local action Based on seven case studies, it offers some 'good practice' pointers including... further reading
Adept Adept is a national voluntary agency with strong community roots, specialising in... link
Preston Faith Forum link to the Preston Faith Forum website link
Emmanuel Group of Churches Christian Ecumenical Church in Northampton East link
13 - Working together in partnership Working together with others in mutual respect and understanding, for the common... fbrn publication
12 - Faith and Social Enterprise The key characteristics of social enterprise and what it can do for faith-based... fbrn publication
11 - The basics of fundraising Dos and Don'ts for fundraising and how to put a proposal together. fbrn publication
10 - Evaluating and assessing performance A look at the four most common types of evaluation, and some key definitions. fbrn publication
9 - What exactly IS capacity building? Capacity building is an often-used term, but it's not always clear what it... fbrn publication
8 - The golden rules of community development Basic guidelines for ensuring your work is inclusive and empowering. fbrn publication
7 - What is faith-related community development? A way of working that helps to empower individuals and their communities. fbrn publication
6 - Shortlisting & interviewing for new staff Tips for recruiting, interviewing and selecting new staff. fbrn publication
5 - What staff & volunteers do we need? As well as full-time members of staff, there are four other main types of staff. fbrn publication
4 - Constituting your organisation The main features of a constitution, and description of who does what. fbrn publication
3 - A successful participative meeting Tips for running a meeting of between about twelve and fifty people. fbrn publication
2 - Guidelines for a Community Audit Deciding what you need to know, getting the information and analysing it. fbrn publication
1 - What do we want to do and why? Being clear about your project's aims and objectives. fbrn publication
Your Way Through The Labyrinth: A Guide to EU Funding for the non-profit sector further reading
Strategies for Success further reading
Voluntary Arts Network Voluntary Arts Network aims to promote participation in the arts and crafts across... link
Urban Forum Urban Forum is an umbrella body for community and voluntary groups with interests in... link
Novas Scarman Group Novas Scarman (NSG) is a social enterprise with charitable status that works locally... link
Federation for Community Development Learning FCDL is the UK wide membership networking organisation that supports community... link
Educational Centres Association The Educational Centres Association is a practice-based organisation concerned with... link
DTA is now "Locality" Thank you for your interest in Bassac and the Development Trusts Association (DTA... link
Advice UK AdviceUK is the UK's largest support network for free, independent advice centres.... link
Action with Communities in Rural England Action with Communities in Rural England is the national umbrella of the Rural... link
Together for Regeneration Together for Regeneration (TfR) is an organisation that offers free support within... link
New Economics Foundation The new economics foundation is an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and... link