
The Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) (ISA) was created as part of the Government’s Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS) to... link
Vetting and Barring Scheme If you work with children or vulnerable adults you’ll need to register with the... link
Women's Inter Faith Initiatives: A Survey further reading
Working with the Media; A guide for local Muslim groups The Guide is designed to help individuals and local groups to meet their media and... further reading
Embracing the present Plannning the future: social action by the faith communities of Leicester Report by Riaz Ravat for the Leicester Faiths Regeneration Project: sponsored by the... further reading
Faith in Community Scotland Faith in Community Scotland is an anti-poverty organisation founded in 2005 link
The role of chaplains This website is a complementary and useful resource to the Faith Matters guidance... link
Faith-based organisations and homelessness – research from York University Centre for Housing Amongst other things this research shows that “faith based” and... further reading
Women and Faith: an ongoing dialogue A report from an event during Inter Faith week 2009 On the 19th of November 2009, in... further reading
Campaigning is OK! they might not always like it but it gets things done Your guide to support for community action and advocacy; full of useful activities... further reading
Our Stories Our Lives; Inspiring Muslim Women's Voices Summary After working with a Bradford-based community group, Women Working Towards... further reading
Sharing Common Ground (a DVD) This project brought together a group of Christian and Muslim women students from... further reading
Faith matters: Case studies from the Faiths in Action Fund Faith matters offers faith practitioners evidence to inform their projects and to... further reading
Transforming Places; Changing Lives: Taking Forward the Regeneration Framework In July 2008, Communities and Local Government published a consultation seeking... further reading
Looking Beyond the Veil The report concludes "The perceptions of Muslims and their contribution to... further reading
Who is My Neighbour?  A Church Response to Social Disorder Linked to Gangs, Drugs, Guns and Knives.... further reading
The Regeneration Through Heritage Handbook  a route-map for community groups regenerating a redundant heritage building.... further reading
Number 1 in the series of The Prince's Regeneration Trust's How to: guides; How to Write Conservation Reports  This guide is for non-specialists. It explains how to write a Conservation... further reading
Hull and East Riding Interfaith The aims of the organization are to develop mutual respect, understanding and... link
Faith in LSPs? The experience of Faith community representatives on Local Strategic Partnerships A report published by the CRN in December 2006 analysing how faith communities are... further reading
Communities in Conversation: Jewish involvement in inter faith activities in the UK Commissioned in response to the Government's community cohesion agenda. further reading
Faithful Cities a call for celebration, vision and justice The Report from the Commission on Urban Life and Faith   further reading
Challenging Communities: Church Related Community Development & Neighbourhood Renewal If you can get hold of a copy, those involved in the development of LSPs will find... further reading
Faithful Representation: Faith Representatives on Local Public Partnerships Summary, key findings and recommendations further reading
Faith and voluntary action: an overview of current evidence and debates The report concludes with a number of recommendations for government, infrastructure... further reading
Building on Faith: faith buildings in neighbourhood renewal Discusses the use of faith buildings, using seven case studies, and makes... further reading
Just About Managing 4th Edition: Effective Management for voluntary organisations and community groups A companion to Voluntary but not Amateur: this is a practical,comprehensive... further reading
Voluntary but not Amateur 8th Edition A guide to the law for voluntary organisations and community groups further reading
Setting up for Success; A practical guide for community organisations The handbook aims to provide practical tips, templates, case studies and links to... further reading
Active Partners: Benchmarking Community Participation in Regeneration Learning points: Although in some senses the community is very active it appears... further reading