Big Local Trust |
Helping people make their communities better places to live in, now and in the... |
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Equalities Act 2010 Briefing Paper |
The Act brings together previous equality acts under one law. It was passed in April... |
further reading |
Clore Duffield Foundation Grants |
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The Big Society Challenge |
Here is a fresh collection of essays contributed by community workers and academics... |
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Community Network |
Community Network is the tele-conference provider for charities, voluntary... |
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Building Better Neighbourhoods: the contribution of Faith Communities to Oxfordshire Life |
The report contains a huge amount of information and finds (amongst other... |
further reading |
Understanding Reports on Charity Financial Statements. |
Understanding Reports on Charity Financial Statements.
This short guide clearly... |
further reading |
Good Governance a Code for the Voluntary Sector (second edition). |
Good Governance: a Code for the Voluntary and Community sector (the Code) second... |
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Shelter in a pack |
Housing Justice support for Winter Night Shelters Housing Justice is the... |
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Faith Leadership Through Chaplaincy: experiences from Muslim communities |
This is a report that outlines the views of Muslim chaplains, sector leaders and... |
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Equality Britain |
Since 2002, Equality Britain has been working to promote equality and diversity... |
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Sinking and Swimming – Understanding Britain’s Unmet Needs |
The Young Foundation's latest report 'Sinking and Swimming: understanding Britain's... |
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Islington Forum of Faiths |
Islington Forum of Faiths (IFF) was established as a multifaith community... |
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Volunteering Impact Assessment Toolkit (2010) 2nd edition |
Building on the success of the first edition, the toolkit is tried and tested, easy... |
further reading |
The Holman Report |
Torah, worship and acts of loving kindness: baseline indicators
for the charedi... |
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London Boroughs Faiths Network |
bringing local faith/multifaith groups & the local public sector together across... |
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Chartered Institution of Water & Environmental Management |
CIWEM's Faith and Environment Network (FEN) was set up in early 2009 and puts belief... |
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Churches and Faith Buildings: Realising the Potential |
Churches and Faith Buildings: Realising the Potential identifies funding and support... |
further reading |
Community and Ministry. An introduction to Community in a Christian Context |
All clergy, ministers, church-related community workers and lay leaders need to... |
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Changed Places, Changed Lives: The social impact ot environmental action |
Download the pdf below. |
further reading |
South East England Faiths Forum |
SEEFF supports and brings together the interests of faith communities; non-Faith... |
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Developing Diversity ; Promoting Excellence and Providing Choice |
Meeting the Needs of Muslim Women: A Directory of Mosques in England
Further... |
further reading |
Get Legal |
Get Legal is a web facility from NCVO. It works on the principle of a ‘tree’ of... |
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CWDC integrated working campaign |
Helping you work better together for children and young people
Quite simply,... |
further reading |
Community Matters |
Community Matters is the national umbrella organisation for community groups in... |
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Mentoring and befriending |
The national body for mentoring and befriending |
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Funding Central |
12 Step Expert Guide to Grants |
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company solutions - fundraising advice |
Training courses including; Essentials of Community and Events Fundraising |
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Westhill Endowment Fund |
The objectives of the Westhill Endowment are the promotion of education in the... |
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Criminal Records Bureau |
To help protect children and vulnerable adults by providing a first-class service to... |
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